
Mar/06/2014: PAFCalc Android app 1.0 is on F-Droid market
Feb/10/2014: Released PAFCalc Android app 1.0
Dec/23/2013: New site layout. Started android version development
Jun/20/2013: Released v. 1.0.1
May/21/2013: Released v. 1.0.
May/08/2013: Updated Sourceforge.


Planted Aquarium Ferilizers Calculator is an useful utility that help in calculations related to DIY fertilizers for planted aquariums.
mainpage It has been completly written in Java with Netbeans standard IDE, that may ensure portability. It runs on every O.S. that can run Java applications and has been tested on GNU/Linux, Windows, OS-X.
A New Android app has been recently developed and is now available for mobile devices.
This tool was born as part of Nyagua a software born to manage your aquariums data, then has been released as standalone project for those who are not interested to download the whole application.

It's distributed under GNU GPL v.2 license, for free, as it is, without any warranty implicit and explicit.

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